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Massage has been used for centuries by many different cultures as a way to alleviate the strains of everyday life and to maintain health. Massage has many benefits which include; Removal of stress and anxiety, Removal of toxins, Stimulates the circulation, Improvement the skins tone/texture, Improves the elasticity of the skin, Increases joint mobility, Improves breathing and posture and gives a Feeling of Wellbeing


Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage is a specific massage using techniques to work below superficial connective tissue, with the aim to release old structural patterns and allow the free flow of nutrients and oxygen in the blood and so to the tissues themselves, to oxygenate poorly circulated areas and allow the spine and joints to relax into alignment. When there is chronic muscle tension or injury, there are usually adhesions in muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Adhesions can block circulation and cause pain, limited movement, and inflammation.


Myofascial Release

Regular Myofascial Release can improve posture, counter-act muscle soreness and increase flexibility and help with a variety of conditions, some of which are : Arthritis, Back Pain, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Disc Problems, Fibromyalgia, Frozen Shoulder, Headaches, Migraines, Neck Pain, Neurological Dysfunction, Pelvic Pain, Plantar Facitis, Physical Stress, Postural Irregularities, Psychological Stress, Scars, Sciatica, Scoliosis, Sports Injuries and Whiplash


Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic drainage massage is especially useful for individuals who seem to suffer regularly from common illnesses like colds and flu. It is also recommended for people who lead sedentary lifestyles, or those who want to reduce oedema, puffiness or swelling. It has been cited as having a positive effect on: Problem skin & cellulite, Dysfunctional respiratory systems and People with low energy. The benefits of Manual Lymph Drain Massages are: Facilitates general feeling of health and vitality. Improves appearance of skin, reduces puffiness, water retention especially during pregnancy and assists with poor circulation. Stimulates the lymphatic system boosting the immunity. As with other massage, it can help with pain from fractures and sprains and rheumatism, and it promotes the body's own healing mechanisms.


Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage is ideal to relieve aching, tense, muscles, tension headaches and stress. The benefits include; Rebalancing of energy flow, Removal of toxins, Aid to clear thinking and concentration, Relief from headaches, sinus pain and eyestrain and promotes a feeling of calmness and wellbeing.


Reflexology is a holistic therapy and is suitable for all ages. Over time, the body becomes unbalanced from illness, stress, injury and disease.

Reflexology works by applying light pressure to the reflex points on either the hands or the feet, to release any blockages and encourage the flow of energy through the entire body.



Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by 'laying on hands' and is based on the idea that 'life force energy' flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If ones energy is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable it being happy and healthy.

Reiki treats the whole person - the body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of inner peace, security and wellbeing. It is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use.


Hot Stone Massage

During a Hot Stone Massage heated stones can be used to massage with, or can be placed on specific areas of the body. The heat can be both deeply relaxing and help warm up tight muscles so that deep work can be achieved more quickly.

Hot stone massage can: boost your circulation, release stored tension, recharge your energy levels and relax you. Hot stone massage is said to have health benefits for people with: muscular pain, poor circulation, rheumatic and arthritic conditions, fibromyalgia, back pain, stress, insomnia and depression.


Warm Bamboo

This new therapy is wonderful to have if you like deep tissue work. It will leaves you feeling relaxed and energised and with a sense that your muscles have been stretched, warmed and elongated. Warm bamboo massage is a unique way to relax tight muscles and release stress and tension and improve sports performance. If you like deep tissue work, this treatment is for you.

Warm bamboo massage uses solid bamboo sticks of different lengths and diameters to massage the body. The sticks are gently warmed and applied to give deep and long massage strokes to break down tension and stretch tight muscles.

This treatment especially works well for runners and cyclists experiencing tightness in their legs, feet and IT band. It is also of great benefit to anyone suffering from shortened muscles due to postural imbalances.


Natural Lift Facial Massage

Natural Lift Facial Massage incorporates a unique blend of highly effective techniques drawn from both Japanese Face Massage and Indian Face Massage. It also incorporates complementary techniques from Acupressure and Facial Reflexology.

Natural Lift Facial Message combines the massage techniques of Anma (the traditional system of massage in Japan) and Ayurveda (the ancient Indian healing method). This specifically designed treatment uses a combination of techniques to improve the complexion, remove toxins from the face, prevent and reduce facial wrinkles and age spots whilst balancing the life force energy holistically, helping to improve overall health.

This advanced method of traditional facial massage treats the surface and also deep facial tissues with highly refined, gentle hand and finger manipulation. These techniques can:

Increase blood circulation, enabling capillaries to deliver nutrients more efficiently to the skins surface

Stimulate the nervous system

Improves lymphatic flow, transporting bacteria & toxins away from skin cells

Strengthen and tone muscles, helping prevent sagging skin and fine lines

Repair and balance the condition of the skin, minimising the aging process

Balance “ki” (chi), improving the health and appearance of the facial tissue.


Hopi Ear Candles/Thermo Auricular Therapy

Ear Candle Therapy offers real and marked benefits for many problems and conditions associated with the areas of the ear, nose and throat. Ear Candle Therapy is widely used by doctors in Europe and America as an alternative to conventional treatments such as antibiotics, repetitive ear syringing and grommets. Also for our increasingly stressed society it is a deeply relaxing, calming and soothing experience.

Before treatment takes place a full consultation is conducted to ensure that there are no contra-indications, and to ensure that treatment is delivered in the most effective way for each client's unique requirements.

A light suction action (chimney effect) and the movement of the flame create a vibration of air in the ear candle, generating a massage-like effect on the eardrum. This induces a pleasant feeling of warmth and a balance of pressure in the ears, forehead and sinuses. It is soothing and helpful for earache and headache, ear noise, stress and nervousness. The physical effect is often described directly after the treatment as a soothing, pressure and pain relieving sensation, mainly in the ears and the head area. Treatment may also spontaneously cause freer nasal breathing and an improved sense of smell, even when the nose was blocked before treatment. A light head and facial massage completes the therapy and afterwards, the contents of the candles are examined to see how effective the treatment has been and to indicate how further treatments should proceed.

The treatment can be used for the following conditions:

Excessive or Compacted ear wax



Sore throats

Loss of smell



Headache and migraine

Asthma and hay fever


Glue Ear


Bell's Palsy

Swimmers/surfers/divers ear

Flying problems and pressure regulation


Menieres Disease


Pregnancy Massage

While a woman is pregnant her body undergoes numerous changes physically as well as physiologically and spiritually. The physical changes can cause stress and or discomfort to the mother. Massage is a wonderful way to help alleviate many of these discomforts, as well as promotes a sense of well-being. The mother will be supported with pillows as she lies on her side, she will be draped with a sheet and only the body part that is being worked will be exposed. ++ 


Thai Foot Massage

This is a massage of the feet and lower legs, it is both invigorating and deeply relaxing and involves hands on massage, stretching and acupressure to stimulate reflex points. The treatment includes working on 'Sen' lines. The techniques of Thai Foot Massage are thought to stimulate and open these energy channels, leaving you feeling relaxed, balanced and invigorated. The treatment is great for tired feet, improving circulation and lymph m

ovement in the feet and lower legs and improving flexibility. If you have tried Reflexology you will also enjoy this fabulous treatment, but will be suprised at how different the techniques feel.


Myofascial Vacuum Dry Cupping

Cupping applies a partial vacuum on the surface of the skin, this partial vacuum lifts up the skin and underlying tissues to relieve pressure and tension. Lifting the skin and tissues promotes an increase of blood pressure and the removal of waste products and toxins . Cupping helps by removing waste products and toxins, increase temperature and increasing tissue elasticity. By using a suction technique cupping lifts up deeper tissues, relaxing the muscles and allowing muscle fibres to move. Muscle fibres can become tightly packed and produce tightness and stiffness around an area. Cupping enables the muscle fibres to slightly move allowing an increase in movement and flexibility in a muscle. Cupping also helps my increasing temperature of the soft tissues. Increased temperature allows muscles to relax. Cupping also stimulates parasympathetic nervous system which slows down metabolism and induces relaxation. Relaxed muscles can decrease pain and tightness.



++ Please Note. Midwife/Consultant consent needed before treatment commences


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